Friday, February 13, 2009


ive been doing super good this week in terms of calorie intake. I also did sprints the other night, ran last night and now i am so sore that scaling my own stairs is a great feat. this hurtssss. havent weighed myself but Im not going to until Monday... if I can hold out. anyway thats all for now.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

plus three minutes

I went on a mile and a half run yesterday and was extremely pissed to find that it took me 18 minutes to run it. I was previously at 15 minutes. I do however realize that my 3 week vacation didnt involve any running, so im sure I lost some stamina there. I also realize that I gained a few lb's while im vaca so that didnt help either. it shouldnt take me long to get back to 15 minutes.its just lame. stupid christmas vacation. I also need to incorporate sprints again. maybe Steven can help me although it is nowhere near as fun as doing it with Miss Delaney. I havent weighed myself this week. Im just going to stick to my calorie limit and weigh myself a week from now. that is all.

Monday, February 9, 2009

one week later

weight this morning :168.0

I have definitley lost weight this week doing 1200 caloreis, and I didn't even stick to the 1200 calories the whole time. the only problem is I'm not losing weight very fast. I know the slower I lose it, the longer it will stay off. I may just get myself down to like 160 and then starve the last five pounds off myself. I also think it would be best to weigh myself less often than every morning since water weight fluctuates like no one's business.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I talked to a trainer this morning who says that if I want to lose the weight in 4-6 weeks I must eat 800 calories a day, and I can not do it any longer than 6 weeks because it would be unhealthy. I'm thinking I should eat 1200 calories a day until I get to the last five pounds that I can just starve away. that my theory.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

yo yooooo

I cant ever escape the horrendous roller coaster of weight loss. weight this morning: 169.4

lamety lizzame

oh well. could be water weight. I ran today and drank lots of water and stuck to my 1200 calories. oh yeah im doing 1200 calories now because a doctor told me thats how many you need for your brain to work and well.... i like to have a functioning brain.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i have to weigh myself. ill get back at ya tomorrow.


good times

down to 168.8

this makes me happy. only 13 more pounds to go and I should be able to take that off pretty easily. plus if I keep fattening steven my accomplishments will look greater. I will write tomorrow

Saturday, January 31, 2009

applebees is a cavalcade of fun

weight this morn: 170.6

considering i ate a whole lot at applebees that isnt too bad. but seriously I have to get back on ny diet. this is redonculous. thats all for now.

Friday, January 30, 2009

just plain pissed

170.4 this morning. i ate last night because we are going out to dinner tonight. long story. when does this shit end, i just want to go to basic already.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

square one

back to square one. kind of. anyway yesterdays morning wieght was 172.8 and this morning was 170. 4 hopefully tomorrow will be 168.2, wouldnt that be nice. i doubt it though. anyway thats all. i ran yesterday and did some pushups. my arms are killing me. the marine corps arm hang was actually easier than the air force's 27 pushups. oh well. i plan on running this evening outside and doing mnroe pushups. the cool thing is all that marine corps training made me work harder so im pretty much solid on my run time. cool.


Monday, January 26, 2009

vacation wieght


but thats after 3 weeks, plus i just ate a bunch of pancakes because i begin starving again tomorrow. yay. so id say im really about 168. wont take long to lose. anyway thats where im at. not shocked, but not happy.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am starving

as steven eats a yummy smelling bowl of soft chewy delicious ramen noodles that he cooked wrong. besides that i was 164.4 this morning when I woke up after being 165.0 the previous morning. a momentary spike in weight that I attribute to eating some pizza. i have steadily been working out, and I continue to see progress. as I embark on my 3 week journey into family-ville I will keep up my progress as best I can and hopefully no one will notice that I barely eat anything. if they do I dont care.

see you soon delaney


Monday, January 5, 2009


flashback to the post I made earlier today. if you look at my side shot, my body is like a straight line, because I have no ass.

My ass is gone.

Actually, it was never there, even when I was really really really fat.


no suckin in here either but i wish i had

tummy, from the side


tummy from the front


i dont have any super awesome skinny pictures. they all got lost when that biotch of a wife my dad has kicked me out. but the point is that i noticed in my side picture that i have this wierd layer of belly fat that sticks out. I dont like it, and hope it will go away soon.

and yes , i notice alot of progress in you, especially from the side view. it is very good stuff. we are both doing extremely well considering where we started from.

i think we should keep taking pictures like this once every two weeks or something to keep track of progress. oh and youd better believe im taking a bikini pic after boot camp. we should be smokin then. lol

So I've Noticed Some Things...

..Today I realized something. I took some pics for ya, sucking in so please don't show anyone else who could possibly end up being my future husband or anything. but back to the point...i realized that from the side my progress is looking super. But from the fron tIm still a wide girl. then I realized that even when i WAS super skinny I still carried alot of weight in the front...Im guessing its my hips? Compare me from the past with me from t he present and you can see that Ive always been wider from the front i guess Im not too depressed. We are kicking ass, I refuse to get depressed at the new pictures I took.'s weight same as yesterday night's: 187.4lbs.

(i still have a pooch, but you cant see it as much from the side. WOOWOO!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I just ran

3 miles. and im going to die.

pictures of meeeeeeeee




now delaney, post a real picture, where you arent hiding under my hoodie. lmao. love yousss!

lower 60's

wieght this morning: 164.4

I cant wait to be in the 150's. I havent seen them since, well its been about 2 years so im excited. we are going food shopping today and I'm going to attempt another 3 mile run since I will be in Chicago soon and will probably end up slacking on the workout. I dont want to. maybe ill find somewhere to run. we shall see.

Running. Jesse is in the back. Pictures, Images and Photos


Another Crap, Another Pound...

lol...Ive decided that before they weigh me at the recruiter's office I am going to do the following:

starve and dehydrate myself for at least one day.

crap out anything I can

pee out anything I can

be naked. im just kidding.

Today's Weight= 187.9

but its also the AM and i havent eaten anything so we shall see if that changes.

I think running in the cold is a really great way to burn the cals. My body seems to be working extra hard, I know it sounds crazy but I swear its true.

Ash, post a full body shot. i did it. lol your turrrnnn.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I am

165.0 lbs as of this morning. super awesome. since steven has been home i have lost about 12 lbs and since he deployed i have lost 25. good for me. i ran 3 miles today and it almost killed me.

miss you too delaney! I cant wait to run together soon!!!!!!! i think im going to post a body shot here soon, no matter how shitty it will be to look at. okay..


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Well Lookie Here.... father has been hiding a digital scale from me inhis closet. lol I asked him today if he had one and he said , "yeah in my closet" so I went and got it and here is what the shiz is:

189.5 lbs.

so thats the truth. its easier to see the damn digital shiz than the other ghetto oldschool one.

so...I ran in the fecking cold today in pt gear listening to 'Hip Hop Cadences Vol 1' and it was great. My lungs almost collapsed from the lack of warmth in the air...but it was good. Tommorrow Im going to go again...and then do some other drills like suicides and shit. if the neighbors have an issue they can write my

anywyas, miss you ashten! im amazed that i lost weight after all the ish ive been eating...but yeah.

so i have officially

26 LBS to lose before the marine corps can use

i can drop that easy..and in the remaining time until divorce finalization ill just brush up on my pft score.

im happy.

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