Wednesday, December 31, 2008


my body caught up.

weight this morning: 165.6

same as yesterday. this means that my body has adjusted to my caloric intake. the only fun part of this is that I get to binge today to rev up the calorie burning. yay! i have started off my day with some greasy fast food.

happy binging.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

do nightmares burn more calories?

weight this morning: 165.6

i was convinced i ate too much yesterday but i suppose not. good to know.

Monday, December 29, 2008

i did the math

and in 20 days I have lost 6 pounds. if you do the math on that one..

6/20= .3

here is a word problem for you...

a woman wieghs 166 pounds. if she loses, on average, 1/3 lb per day and her goal wieght is 140 lbs, how much longer until she reachers her goal?

well in this case you would make the figure cleaner and easier to work with. instead of 1/3 per day, you said one pound every three days

so then it would be

3 days = 1lb

the difference between 140 and 166

166-140= 26

so we know that every 3 days i lose a pound and I have 26 lbs to lose.

if i lost a pound a day then it would take 26 days. if i lost a pound every other day it would take 52 days. but since i will only be losing a pound once every three days it will look more like this:

26*3 = 78.

78 days people.

78 days until glory.

oh, and Delaney,

start working out! you cant starve and not work out. the trick is to starve WHILE working out. go figure. luh yous

boo, im skinny too.

weight this morning : 166.2

down .6 from yesterday. I would haven rather been in the 165's but I'll take anything these days really. after christmas we had another days delay in shedding weight but my fatness was just eating too many calories. so im back on track , and hungry as always. thats fun. yesterday was my day off cardio for the week so Ill have to get back on the bandwagon today. that is all.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dear Ashten...

...Do not feel sad, my dearest friend.

I started off the day well with a diet and then at lunch we went out as a family and i ate a chicken ceasar wrap with some french fries.

it was not a small portion.

I have been weighing myself all day and the scale says 187lbs.

I think I may be hallucinating bc it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

bryce and fried rice,

feck mrs fields

wieght this morning: 167.4

so needless to say im pissed. but I have to be honest... the first half of yesterday started off just fine, and then I took a nap and woke up around 4. at this time i proceeded to go into the kitchen where I cooked noodles, ate a tortilla, had a granola bar, and ate something else i cant remember because i was still half asleep. this was more than I should have eaten and so it set me back a tiny bit. I watched my calorie intake this morning and wont be taking any naps today for fear of that mind gripping trance I am in when I wake up. crossing my fingers for some wieght loss tomorrow.


Alternative Motivation For Weight Loss Other Than the Glorious Corps...

Yes, Elder Packard and Elder Shumway are some cute boys. Finding a good LDS hubby is a great motivator for weight loss. lol. behold, Ashten....behold...

Delaney's Check In

heeeeyyyyyy all.

So, since Ive gotten to Illinois ive done almost nothing but eat and not excersize. yet Im still weighing in at 190 lbs.

so im happy!

lol, what im thinking it is is the fact that ive been going sledding and doing other snow involved shit that is burning lots of cals.

today is the first REAL day for a frikking diet on my end of things and so far i have been starving myself all day. not quite sure what I can eat in this house that will stay under 800 cals, but Ill find a way.

My parents only buy good fattening junk food, I swear.


Im still doing good. Cant wait to get to a gym here.

i also found out that if i do three sets of running up and down the stairs here 10 times, i get pretty exhausted, so thats fun.

oorah motivator semper fi and dedicated.


Friday, December 26, 2008

post-holiday check in

wieght this morning: 167.2

sweet. since yesterday i gained under a half a pound, much of which is due im sure to the wine and tons of cookies i ate throughout the day. not to mention, I didnt work out yesterday. today I plan on going and getting my cardio done, along with some wieght lifting, and back on my diet. lots of hydration is also needed to drop the water wieght. will check in tomorrow

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas to all,and to all happy dieting..

wieght this morning: 166.8

sweet. I am officially stoked on my weight loss. however it is christmas. expect this number to skyrocket for two to three days and then come back down to normal. feck the holidays man.

still working on the cardio.. 30 minute mix of high and low intensity. except not today.. and hydrating incessantly.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

what a surprise...

wieght this morning: 167.8

I am inclined to think that i was retaining water due to my illness. i drank a crapload of water yesterday and woke up this morning a few pounds lighter. in any case i am not complaining. stuck to the 800 cals yesterday and did some cardio and wieght lifting.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

anger, and mini wheats...

wieght this morning: 170.8

what the feck. I want to slap someone right now. granted I didnt stick to 800 cals yesterday but i am livid. in short, that cross country trip worked everything I worked for. great.

Monday, December 22, 2008

fatty fatty two by four...

....couldnt fit through the bathroom door

they made that song about me.

anyway, im back up to 170.2 so i gained a pound on the chicago trip. I ate like crap so Im actually very happy I only gained a pound but thats also with the help of the food poisoning and mounds of vomit so I need to get back on track. im finally fully recovered today so I will be returning to my workouts and 800 cal diet. its about time. i think ill have some mini wheats for breakfast.


Friday, December 12, 2008

My stomache is empty.

So Im pretty sure that when I weigh in at Ashten's house today I will have alost a few pounds. mainly because Ive been starving myself. bad day bad day. Im going to try and eat more, but Ive been sooooo busy its ridiculous!

Anyways, off to the mall to walk off calories with Ashtenboo!!!

Thank God Its Friday

wieght this morning : 169.6

which is a much bigger drop then i had figured I would see this morning. I assume its extra water wieght that I dropped and I will probably wiegh more than this tomorrow morning. otherwise I am happy with the wieght loss and doing well sticking to my diet.

its friday! the epic journey to chicago is near.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Calculations....

were correct! wieght this morning: 171.0lbs. two days ago I was 172.0 flat which means I was absolutley right. I am losing about a half pound a day.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dinner, and a workout

for dinner this evening I again had my a-1 burger(so yummy) with a pear, and some wasabi peas. I wont lie, I had to make Steven dinner tonight.. and I made him the a-1 burger with home made french fries and I picked up a few fries. the good news is i only ate the broken ones. i had about the equivalent of the palm of my hand so it wasnt too much. i went to the gym and worked out abs, along with 40 minutes of low intensity cardio. I will report my wieght tomorrow, and if I did my math correctly I should wiegh approx. 1 pound less than I did two days ago. the moment of truth awaits.


I hate the energizer bunny

because he keeps going. I, however am extremely tired and sickly right now. did i mention hungry? ugh. the only thing keeping me motivated is the sad sad tone in my recruiters voice this morning when it old him my wieght. keep on truckin.

Protein overload

So, for breakfast I had a small cup of fat free cottage cheese with raspberries and blueberried mixed in. I cooked about a cup of egg white and topped it with salsa. I also had a snack size can of mixed fruit, and of course a glass of water. Im not sure how many calories that was, but I'm sure it was enough. Also, at about 1900 last night I went to the gym and ran two miles, and did a second set of ab workouts. my arms and abs are a little sore, but nothing too bad. that's all for now.

Are we there yet?....

...Not exactly. wieght this morning: 171.6 lbs again. which means lost about a half a pound from yesterday. good thing too after all the starving I did. I am wondering what my first meal of the day should be. It will probably consist of a protein, and some carbs. Go figure. I will report back after breakfast. ughh

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A-1 is king,

after our below-par workout this afternoon, I came home and waited until 1600 to begin preparing my second and last meal for the day. I had some wasabi peas, a turkey burger patty, one piece of bread cut in half and toasted with a slice of cheese and some a-1 sauce on it.

scale Pictures, Images and Photos

I am officially in love with the a-1 burger.

the turkey burger is low cal. fat free cheese and super healthy organic bread.

the wasabi peas are low cal as well

i was right at 400 cals. still hungry, but not suffering. Im planning on going to the del mar gym tonight to do 40 minutes of low intensity cardio to switch things up this week.


gurgle, gurgle

it is 1136 and my stomach is yelling at me to feed it. instead, i plan on going to the gym to make it shutup. I have no patience for this hunger, plus I have to wait until the husband gets home to eat so he doesnt find out that im basically starving. wee. okay. out.

-Ashten Foxypants

"I'll have half a grapefruit, thank you"

grapefruit Pictures, Images and Photos

I had my first meal of the day at around 0830 this morning. it consisted of two thinly sliced chicken breasts that I cut into bite sized squares, seasoned, and cooked on the stove. I cut up some lettuce and three it in a bowl with 1/3 can of garbanzo beans and 1/3 can corn. I topped it off with a little parmesan cheese and had fat free italian dressing on it. I also cut up half a grapefruit and ate that with breakfast. I didnt count the exact number of cals but im sure it was 400 if not close to it. Im still decently full at 1000 but we still have a long day to go. I shall be drinking alot of water.

xoxo. Ashten

The crack @ss of Dawn (Miss Ashten)

it was 0630 when I awoke this morning. in my usual fashion I proceeded to wiegh myself. 172 flat. I suppose the mcdonalds yesterday didnt help anything.

fat ass - mcdonalds Pictures, Images and Photos

so today is day one of the starve yourself 800 calories a day diet. I am excited (notice the blaring absence of an exclamation point). I am already so hungry I could eat my own arm but I dont want to have my first meal before 1000. Delaney and I plan on going to the gym today. our workout last night was sort of a joke, however it helped to keep us on track and within our habit of going to the gym everyday.

-your friendly neighborhood fatty-

Monday, December 8, 2008

No really though...

...i feel like a fat tub of lard. i went to Walmart with my friend Sabrina today and on the way there she said something along the lines of "i saw your myspace pictures! you shouldnt of dyed your hair! you were sexy blonde!" and then "Elder Packard were think you were so sexy if you looked like that!"

talk about depressing as all hell.

she didnt mean it the way it sounded but now i feel like a fat tub of lard that elder Packard will never fall in love with and coincidentally marry in the temple at Salt lake.

someone shoot me...

Ash, Im coming to get you at 6ish for gym time and we are running like 2 miles and sprints,e ct...the whole shebang.


hi, I'm Ashten and I'm addicted to ice cream.

Considering it's my birthday I thought I should be able to have some ice cream. despite my lingering laziness I decided to get dressed and walk to the PX. I took all of the junk food out of the house so I wouldnt be tempted to binge all the time. well after I got dressed I was sad to find that I left my purse and wallet in the car, which my husband has right now, at work with him. alas, no ice cream.


ice cream Pictures, Images and Photos


Yeah so this is Delaney speaking (or writing)

I am starting my 800 calories a day thing tommorrow, bc today i already ate some popcorn and I plan on eating chicken too.

im really excited to starve myself with ashten. lol...semper fi.

go us!

Happy birthday to fatty. (Ashten)

wieght this morning : 171.6 lbs (embarassing at the least)
it is my birthday and so I do not feel compelled to diet today although the fat nastiness that surrounds my body makes me want to never eat again. I plan on running tonight with miss Delaney. hopefully 1.5-2 miles. I ran a 2 mile yesterday in 23 minutes. I expected it to be much worse so im encouraged. my 1.5 mile is at just under 15 minutes last time i checked so i thought it was time to progress. last time i attempted the arm hang i had 8 seconds and my situps were.... 28 in 2 minutes. my abs need the most work as I do believe that my arm hang has improved although i havent tried it in a while. i will have to bring steven to help me time it soon. I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats with 2% milk this morning. fun times. I wonder if my husband is planning to feed me tonight. im not sure if im going to diet right now or not. i guess ill wait for him.

-The short one.

ps- i created a workout mix on the ipod. hopefully it helps when im dragging my fat body around the track

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